
Showing posts from July, 2024


 There are some beautiful and unique trees around where I live. I love to admire them and they bring so much joy as well as being a home to so many wonderful animals, birds and insects. Every time I see a tree there is always so much to be grateful for.


 New life. Day by day it gets stronger and flourishes more. Can we apply this to ourselves? Can we learn to evolve, become stronger and therewith flourish? Mother nature does, so why can't we?

Follow The Light

 A variety of colours; gold, brown, green, blue, red. A multitude of colours and more than you can count. Beautiful light showing you the way. Follow and you will find peace.

Night Drawing In

 Just as night is drawing in you feel alive and refreshed. The stillness of your surroundings keeping you safe and free. The light diminishing but still showing you the way. A beauty that forever lives in your heart and is remembered for eternity.

Sound of Nature

 Right in the middle of the city. Surrounding this park are busy roads, restaurants, shops, lots of noise and people, but when you enter the park that all disappears and you find yourself in a calm, green space with the noise of nature in the background. Bliss!!

Trodden Path

 I love images like this. How many people have trodden up and down those steps? People from all walks of life visiting the museum to see culture from the local area and further afield. Those steps and that building have seen years and years of life.

Dare to Dream

 One of my favourite scenes from Whitby.  Beautiful Outlook and gives you a sense of you can dare to dream. 

Parks Appreciation

 I absolutely adore Pannett Park in Whitby. It is such a beautiful place; so relaxing with so much to see and appreciate. A special place for me and I can easily spend a few hours in there and loving every minute of it.

A Night Walk

 I love wandering around Whitby when the night draws in. So quiet and peaceful with the sound of the sea breaking through the night sky. It is still beautiful and lots can still be seen.

Walk with Senses

 You can't beat a walk with greenery!! The smells,  colours and sounds always brings peace and tranquility.