

I am just sat here wondering about what to write, but then I thought, well just write what you are thinking.

I am not eloquent and, if I let it, sometimes my Yorkshire accent may slide through (probably something like 'Chuffin' 'ell!).

I love my county and I know it has some of the most spectacular scenery and places known to man. 

My thoughts always turn to everyday life and how can I make it better and smooth my past, present and future. The past, I am afraid, is never going to happen, but, crikey, it is hard to make the present and future smooth.

Trying to reach for things that are just out of grasp and having the disappointment of not getting them.

Pushing yourself is hard, but I have learnt that I need to push myself more and more without, if possible, faltering too many times.

Well, that was a load of twaddle from my head, but as it states in the description of this blog - sometimes twaddle is the best conversation.


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