Change or Same - Fitbit Update


Well I thought I would give an update on my Fitbit and how I am getting on with it. 

Let's face it we all think at some point we need to get healthier, mentally and physically. I don't know anyone who hasn't thought like this. Not everyone is able to actually make that change and I will tell you I am probably one of those people. I am not good with keeping up with exercise and definitely not good at changing my eating habits. I decided to get myself a Fitbit around the end of August, beginning of September last year. I had wanted one for a while, but never really got around to buying one.

First off, I would just like to say that I am glad that I bought it and made the investment. It was just under £100, so I didn't get one of the more expensive ones. The prices for them ranged from under £100 to about £200 at the time I was looking and I didn't want to buy a really expensive one if I wasn't going to get on with it.

It was easy for me to set it up and put the app on my phone; it literally took me about 10 minutes to set it all up. There are various functions to the one I have; heart rate, steps, calories, activity minutes, distance, sleep and water intake. There are extra functions on the app which I find really useful. Inputting your daily food intake is really good. I make sure that I put everything in that I am eating daily and you can see how many calories you are having against how many you have burned. You can scan the bar code of the packaging of what you are eating and it finds eat automatically for you. Tells you whether you are under budget, in the zone or over budget. 

You can pick challenges to go on, individually or with friends. I have been on a few individual challenges. They were walking challenges and they really help to build your steps up each day as you find yourself wanting to get to the next level.

I have a cross trainer at home and have started using it again; every other day and for about 20 minutes. I put some music on, set the exercise timer on the Fitbit and just have a bit of me time. The Fitbit inspires me to do this and try and do a little bit more each time, or go a little bit faster. There are workouts that you can do via the app and videos you can follow, but I find it better to just do it on my own and not follow the workout videos.

Before I started with the Fitbit I went to the doctors for a general check up about a year previously and during that I was weighed (I am am not going to say how much, but lets just say, I was a little shocked at how much weight I had put on!). After about a month of having the Fitbit I bought some new weighing scales and then decided to weigh myself on a monthly basis. The first time I got weighed I had already lost some of the weight from last getting weighed at the doctors. I haven't lost too much weight over the past few months but I have lost about 3-4 lbs up to now.

Using the Fitbit has taught me more about my food intake and has made me think more about what I am ingesting! I try and make sure that I get up more often and gain some activity minutes! I have to say that I find it quite addictive and I do check it often throughout the day. I am not sure if that is a good thing; probably something I may have to think about!

I will carry on using the Fitbit and it is helping me to reach my goals of a healthier lifestyle. I take things like this in small stages, but I can feel the benefits physically and mentally.

(Picture taken by me!)


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