New Path - Career Change or Stay


Follow The Path For New Beginnings

Well this post is sort of a follow on from my New Beginnings post really. It gives you a little bit more of an insight into my current situation and some of the obstacles I find myself coming up against.

I am sure that some of you will have a similar story to tell. Now, I don't mean for this post to be depressing or a moan about my life, but I know that some of you will have been in this position or are in it now, and I truly want this to be a discussion so more of you can feel that you are not alone and, hopefully, things can get better.

I have been in my current job for nearly 12 years now. It is a very stressful job and has been made even more stressful during the pandemic. I work in a care home. My role is not a care worker, but I work as part of the management team.

The stress and pressure that I am feeling in this job is unbelievable and I am just feeling as though it is overwhelming and just dragging me down. I am constantly thinking of work, tasks, care even if I have done everything that I needed to do within the day.

I am very good friends with all the staff and we are all a very tight knit group of friends, which is rare I suppose in a place of work. Despite this, coming into this New Year I am seriously thinking of changing my job and finding another post that is not as pressured.

It is difficult to explain how much pressure I am feeling, but is is a constant weight on my shoulders. I don't want to let anyone down where I am at the moment, but I feel that I cannot carry on the way I am for much longer. It is affecting my life outside of work.

I am also worried as me and my partner are looking to purchase a new home and I feel that if I don't stay in this job then it could affect us on that path. I will be the purchaser and I feel that this is also placing a burden on me.

I have made initial steps and contacted a local recruitment agency just to explain the situation and to basically put the feelers out there.

It is a very daunting thing to change careers after you have been somewhere for such a long time, but I do feel this is something that I have to do now as it is affecting my daily life and I am not getting enjoyment out of my favourite things.

My partner knows how stressed I get and he has already told me to leave. He does not know all the stress, but probably about 75% of it. Some of my friends that used to work where I am have told me that I need to leave. They left and they felt a relief when they did.

How has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? Has it worked out for you?

I know that income is an issue for me, as I don't want to take too much of a pay cut. I don't get a huge amount now (just over 23k per year), but would like 21k plus, which I am sure I would be able to find.

It is a tough decision to make, but one that I need to do and has got to be one of my main goals this year. Looking at what I have just written I am smiling to myself because the above is all about me trying to convince myself! It feels that I am trying to justify the need for change and I am weighing up my own pros and cons!!

I would love to know if you have gone through similar yourself. If you are going through a similar situation then lets try and do this together! 

A huge Thank You as well for taking the time to read and to listen!


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