New Year - New Beginnings


Every January I always think about what I want to achieve in the upcoming year and what I would want to push myself for.

Sometimes it can vary each year, but what I find myself doing is coming up with the same things! Less stress, more organisation, spend more time with loved ones, do one thing everyday that makes me happy, learn something new at least once a month.

What I have just realised is that all of the above is really centered around my mental health and wellbeing.

It's not about gaining financial wealth (although that would be very nice!) or gaining personal property and items, but about making sure I can focus on health and making me better. If I can do that then the wealth etc may follow! You never know!

It is no different this year. I want to focus especially on my mental health as over the last 18 months or so that has really taken a beating and I think I have come to a point that it is really hard for me to make a comeback to the person that I used to be, but this is my main focus this year. Get myself back. Get my mojo back.

My journey may take longer than a year and I may be back next year saying that I need to stay on this journey, but I may also be further along the road and that would be a good thing, wouldn't it?

Doing this blog is a good outlet for me and it makes me feel more confident in myself; getting those feelings as there as I am sure there are people reading this in the same situation.

I am going to be taking small steps and doing it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and I would love for you to join me and go through the journey with me - all the highs and lows. What are your goals? What do you want to achieve and aim for?

Next year we may all have different things we want to aim for and that would be fantastic, even if we are still on this years goals!


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