Supernatural - Part 2 Update

A while ago, well quite a while ago, I delved into the story of my experiences with the supernatural, ghosts, spirits and I just thought that I would go back to that and let you know more about mine, and others, experiences.

I know some people may not believe, and one of those is my partner, does not believe at all, but these experiences are something that I cannot not explain and come from rational (or fairly rational!! Lol!!) people.

I had never really experienced anything in the form of the supernatural until I moved with my parents into the house that my mum now currently lives in. I was always told that my granddad's house was haunted by an old lady, but I never saw anything and sometimes I just think that the story was told by my older cousins to scare us younger ones!

The house that we moved into was no spooky looking house. It is a 2 bed semi-detached council property. When we moved there it had not been modernised at all, had no central heating and was freezing! I can remember we moved into it during winter and when I went to bed I used to wear ski socks, pyjamas and a dressing gown.

We soon settled down though in the house and it turned out to be comfortable and I liked it. It was probably a few months after being there that we started to notice things. Items would go missing from the kitchen drawers like forks, spoons and knives and they would turn up in different rooms of the house and a few days later. The front door would keep opening at different times of the day when no one was going in or out of the house and we could hear like furniture being moved around in the back bedroom, but when you went up to check everything was in its place.

Now, my bedroom used to be the back bedroom, but at first I didn't experience anything in there. I stayed away one night and when I came back my dad had told me that the CD player that I had fell off the shelf it was on and landed in the middle of the room. We all found that a little bit strange as the shelf that it sat on was quite deep and it had to go a distance to be in the middle of the room, but I didn't think too much of. It was after that that things started to get a little weird.

At night I would go to bed and start drifting off to sleep and then it felt that someone, or something, was stroking my hair. I didn't feel that it was forceful, it just felt that, whatever it was, was stroking my hair gently. That did freak me out a bit, but then after that I started to feel as though someone was sitting on the bottom of my bed. The mattress would dip as though someone was sat on the bottom of the bed. This really started to get to me, but just before I moved out I started to see, in the night, in the far corner of my room a dark shadow. Now it is difficult to describe, but even though the room was dark I could still see a shadow in the corner, as black as anything I had seen before.

I moved out not long after, but I continued to stay over with one of my brothers at Christmas time. Me and my brother used to sleep in the living room on makeshift beds and the door from the living room to the hallway used to have full opaque glass in it. Me and my brother both remember seeing something moving in the hallway when everyone had gone to bed. It wasn't the dog as he didn't like to sleep in the house and we turned the outhouse into a place for him to sleep at night. He never settled in the house at night and would cry until you took him to the outhouse. By outhouse I mean a brick built store; it was like his own little house!

My mum and dad moved into the back bedroom that I used to have and not long after mum started experiencing the same things that I did; hair getting stroked, someone sitting on the bed. She  has always said that she didn't like it, but what can you do?! It was just something that she put up with.

Not long after dad started to get ill and we finally found out that he had Pancreatic cancer and that they could offer no treatment. While dad was in the final stages of the cancer we made sure he stayed at home and the back bedroom was where he stayed. During the final few weeks of the illness he was very poorly and virtually stayed in the bedroom. He used to tell me that there was a woman who would walk from the bathroom into the bedroom, all in white, and would be carrying laundry and start putting it away in the drawers. He would tell me this all the time, but I never knew if it was the painkillers that he was taking that were making him hallucinate, or if it was real. The shower in the bathroom though would go off and on a lot and we were constantly having to go upstairs into the bathroom to turn it off.

Dad did pass away in the house with all of us by his side. Mum didn't change bedrooms, but continues to sleep in that same room.

Now from the time of dad passing to last year nothing had really changed in the house. The same things were still happening and items were still going missing, but the year before last mum had a medium come to the house. I think she was missing dad really and wanted someone to let her know where he was and how he was. The medium picked that dad was in the house and usually stayed in the kitchen and living room. With dad was our lovely dog (same dog mentioned above) and they would stay together in the house. Along with dad and dog, she said there was an old lady that used to go from the back bedroom to the front bedroom and liked to sit and look out of the front bedroom window. She also said that there were children around the property. The one thing she did say that really got to mum was that in the back bedroom there was a shadow figure and that it was evil. She told mum that she could cleanse the house and help this shadow figure go along with the old lady. Not sure what she mentioned about dad, our dog or the children. Anyhow, she cleansed the house and told mum she would have to carry on doing the same for a week.

Mum said to me that she felt better after this as before she was struggling to sleep and finding it difficult in the house and it was affecting her mental health.

Now late last year mum said that whatever was in the house had not gone and things were starting to get worse and more frequent. It started when one of my brothers went up to wait in the house for a delivery while mum was out. He was sat in the kitchen with his girlfriend and he said they heard footsteps coming from upstairs. He ran up thinking that someone was in the house, but no one was there. His girlfriend had not really experienced anything in the house, so it was a bit of a shock to her. He told mum about it, but you can get so used to things like that, mum didn't think too much of it.

It wasn't long after that that mum told me things started to get worse. When sitting in the living room she would see movement in the kitchen and said it was like shadows going along the floor. She would go to bed and the stroking of the hair and someone sitting on the bed would happen, but she said things started to get worse. While in bed she would turn over to sleep on her side and whatever it was would lay on the bed at the back of her. She says she knows it is there and she dare not move. She cannot sleep without the lights on and only gets a few hours sleep each night and wakes up in the early hours of the morning. It is affecting her health physically and mentally. I have told her that she needs someone to come who is professional and deal with it. I have tried contacting organisations but I have had no responses back yet.

I know it is back, whatever it is, as late last year when I went to see her I went upstairs to use the bathroom and I told my mum that whatever it is it was in the corner of the hallway and you can feel it watching you. It is a weird sensation, but you can feel something there even though you cannot see it.

I am just worried that if this carries on mum is going to get worse in her health. She has lost so much weight and is constantly worried about it. I am trying to find someone to come out and help her, but finding someone who is professional and able to deal with something like this is not easy.

I thought I would share this story, and continuing story, of what we, as a family, have encountered with the supernatural. This can happen to anyone and, in my opinion, is very real. 


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