Childhood Adventures

 I can always remember doing stuff as a kid that kids nowadays do not seem to do. I know everyone says this at some point in their life as they get older but I feel is is the absolute truth!!!

My brother made a go-kart out of the usual; pram wheels, wood pallet and even an old school chair. It was amazing!!!!! I can remember looking at it while it was parked outside our house and thinking it was the best thing that I had ever seen!! I was never allowed to have a go on it though (being the youngest of five kids did have it's advantages and disadvantages and this was one of the disadvantages!)

One of my other brothers had a skateboard and I used to 'borrow' it a lot and sit and ride it from one of the steepest hills on our housing estate. It was a thrilling ride especially when you got to the bottom and used your shoes as brakes before you went full force across the junction of the road! No wonder all of us kids had no soles on our shoes left! I always remember that my stop came to an abrupt end every time as there was a rope factory at the end of this road, and I would always end up on a pile of ropes! Such fun!

I remember the 'big' park about five minutes from our house. It had four swings, a slide and a roundabout. Going on the swings I always used to try and get as high as possible so that I could do 'bumps'. Standing up and doing bumps was even better! I can remember going on the slide on one hot summer day and as I got to the bottom I cut my toe on some glass. My sister was mortified because she knew that mum would not be happy with her and she rushed me back home and mum placed me on the kitchen side and cleaned my big toe in the sink! The kitchen sink was used for a lot of things!!!!

On the roundabout I used to spin it around really fast and then lay on it and hang my head over the side. Health and safety was probable non existent in our childhood!

We used to have a bowling green next to this park and the local gardeners used to make sure it was in tip top shape. As kids we were never allowed on the bowling green, even if no one was playing on it, but obviously we did sneak on there from time to time!

My nan used to live down the road from us and we would go down and see her and she would feed us all. I used to like cornflakes in my granddads metal bowl with a tiny spoon which had a Egyptian mummies head on it. One of my favourite things to do!!!

I have so many other happy memories that I may share later down the line but just wanted to put a few out there. Thinking about what kids do now it is miles different from when I was a kid. The adventures that we got up to and always coming back home with muck all over us from running around, falling off things or rolling in the grass. So much fun and we didn't have technology of today to deter us from going out and enjoying the day. Things change and people change, but you can never beat the memories that were made - last with you forever.


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