
Showing posts from November, 2022

Night & Day (13)

 The fire was burning brightly in the bedroom, casting shadows around the room in all corners. The wind was still playing outside and could be heard above everything else; louder now that Julian was on his own with no other sounds apart from the crackling of the fire. Sleep was coming to Julian though. The days, and previous days trekking, had finally come to him and the tiredness was starting to overtake all other senses. Slowly Julian drifted off into a land of dreams. The curtains had not been fully closed in the room and behind them the net was the only thing that was covering the full window, reaching down to the floor. Through the window faint shadows of trees could be seen swaying, bending and dancing with the wind. The net at the window started to move as if the wind was coming indoors. Lightly and slowly at first, but increasing in intensity. As it landed back towards the window, a shape was beginning to form behind it; small and under the window up to the ledge. It began to g

Night & Day (12)

 Julian looked around the room. There was a fire glowing making the room warm and comforting. The bed was straight in front of Julian and looked very inviting. There were candles lighting up the room, making shadows all around the room. Julian saw that there was a wardrobe to his right. He went up to it to hang his coat up. He then placed his bag on the bed. Pressing down on the bed he found it to be soft and ready for a sleepy wanderer. He opened his bag and found his night clothes. He changed into them and left his clothes by the wardrobe with his bag. He would need to have them laundered tomorrow. On the side table next to the bed was a bowl of water and a jug. Heading over to it he suddenly heard the noise of the wind outside. He had momentarily blacked out the noise, but now it was coming back with a vengeance. Julian washed his face and was pleasantly surprised to find the water still warm. A towel was situated on the side table and he reached out to it to dry himself. Just havin

Night & Day (11)

  When both Julian and Harriett had their fill of cake, sandwiches and tea, Harriett rang the bell for Mary to come and collect the empty plates and cups. 'We will be retiring for the night now Mary so after you have cleared everything you may retire as well.'  'Thank you. I have made sure that the room is made up for Mr Swire's stay.' 'Thank you Mary, and thank you for the lovely food. It was appreciated by us both.' Mary made a slight smile and bowed her head. 'I would just like to thank you as well Mary. It was all most welcome.' Julian smiled at Mary and she again bowed her head and started to collect all the items on the table. Harriett looked over to Julian, 'Let me show you to your room.' She guided him with an outstretched arm through to the main hall and to the staircase as Julian firstly gathered his coat and bag. They both ascended the stairs and turned to their left into the upstairs hall. Passing a couple of doors, they arrived a

Night & Day (10)

 Julian slowly turned his gaze around the room, but could not see who was singing or where it was coming from. It seemed to permeate all his senses and come at him from every angle. Who was it!! Harriett looked at Julian with a confused gaze. 'Are you well? Is the tea sweet enough for you?' The sound of Harriett's voice seemed to bring Julian back to his senses. He shook his head, smiled and looked up at Harriett, 'I am sorry. I think the journey took more of a toll on me than I first realised. Let me tell you about the journey.' Julian proceeded to tell Harriett about his journey from start up to the present. He had spent many a day and night making his way to Harriett, all the while sleeping under the stars, being given the kindness of strangers, eating and drinking little but feeling content and all with the knowledge that he would soon be in the house he was now situated. During his retelling both Harriett and Julian had managed to eat some sandwiches, which to

Night & Day (9)

  'Now come on. Let's get you a drink and then we can enjoy some of this delicious food that Mary has prepared.' Still chuckling to herself, Harriett rose from her seat and started to pour some tea for both herself and Julian. She poured into small china cups while adding milk and sugar. Julian would welcome sweetness, even though he did not normally have sugar in his tea. Mary made a small curtsy before leaving the room. She was still laughing lightly to herself while briefly shaking her head. Julian just thought how close they seemed with a passing joke between themselves. Even though he had known Harriett for a number of years, this was the first time he had met Mary and there seemed something vaguely familiar about her, but could not put his finger on what that was. Harriett handed Julian his tea. 'Let's drink this first before starting on the food.' She sat down opposite Julian again. The tea tasted so sweet and was truly a welcome beverage that Julian tho