Night & Day (13)

 The fire was burning brightly in the bedroom, casting shadows around the room in all corners. The wind was still playing outside and could be heard above everything else; louder now that Julian was on his own with no other sounds apart from the crackling of the fire.

Sleep was coming to Julian though. The days, and previous days trekking, had finally come to him and the tiredness was starting to overtake all other senses. Slowly Julian drifted off into a land of dreams.

The curtains had not been fully closed in the room and behind them the net was the only thing that was covering the full window, reaching down to the floor. Through the window faint shadows of trees could be seen swaying, bending and dancing with the wind.

The net at the window started to move as if the wind was coming indoors. Lightly and slowly at first, but increasing in intensity. As it landed back towards the window, a shape was beginning to form behind it; small and under the window up to the ledge. It began to grow and would soon cover the whole window. The wind indoors seeming to increase in fierceness as it grew. 

Julian, still asleep, began to dream; a dream that was soon to turn into a nightmare...........................


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