

What makes you happy? Time to focus on what things make you happy. Try and focus on these things throughout each day and do at least one thing that makes you happy each day. By doing this can we alter our feelings, thoughts and ease the anxiety that some of us feel?

My things that make me happy (in no particular order):


I have been an avid reader all my life. When I was young my mum used to do her weekly shopping in the market and there was a book stall in there. Every month I was allowed to pick out a book that I would like. I can remember always picking out an Enid Blyton book. There were hardback and a light blue colour. Since then I would read anything that I could get my hands on! When I am reading I am transported to that world, I forget about everything else. Not every book I have read I have enjoyed, but sometimes I think that is part of the beauty of reading; you have to pick out the bad apples to get to the juicy ones!


My love of music again comes from my childhood. I can remember sitting on my brothers bedroom floor and playing the vinyls that my dad had, or taping the Top 40 on a Sunday afternoon either in the kitchen, or on a nice day, sat outside in the garden and endlessly trying to not tape the adverts! My taste in music does vary. My first love is 80's and early 90's rock, but I will listen to anything from classical, Glenn Miller, Elvis, pop culture, especially 80's, Brit Pop; just about anything! If it takes my fancy I will listen to it. I have seen a few bands live, but my favourite was seeing Travis live last year. Such a terrific band and still sound so good! I took one of my brothers to see them and it was the first live gig he had been too. He had a great time! Music has the gift to transport you, just as books have that ability, and songs can help you recreate lost times in your life.

Special Places

I have recently written about the special places in my life, but I cannot put enough emphasis on how much these places can help in our daily lives and become a catalyst for us to carry on. I have a small number of special places; Sherwood Forest, Rufford, Chatsworth and Whitby. Each one of these places contain special memories that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Every time I visit one of these places I remember my past memories, but also create new ones. Not all the memories are good and some may even contain tears, but they have shaped me into who I am today and I will treasure them for always.


Getting some fresh air is one of the most pleasurable things to me, throughout any time of the year. I love to get outdoors and take a deep breath, inhale the freshness, listen to the birds, hear the sounds surrounding you. Last year I took part in growing some of our own veg and the smile it put on my face was great! I had never grown veg before, and to be quite honest, I am not much of a gardener. I can't grow plants and flowers very well! Well, last year I changed that! I managed to grow carrots, spring onions, beetroot and potatoes. All grown in pots because I have garden the size of a postage stamp! Looking forward to starting it all again this year.


I love walking, anywhere. If I think I can walk to a destination, I will. My other half thinks I am crazy, and we have had a few words about it previously, but honestly, walking is one of the things that gives me pleasure in life and makes me happy. It gives me time to think, clear my head. I can see sights and hear sounds. I have bought a treadmill, as I recently wrote about, and can honestly say it is the best thing that I have bought in a long time. I use it every night for a minimum of 40 minutes and just enjoy the movement.


My love of fashion has not always been the case, simply because I didn't have the money to buy much. I have grown to love fashion and my individual style over the last 10 years or so. I don't spend a lot, and in fact most of the time I buy from clearance sections, but I have a love of items that may be a little unusual and not what everyone may have. My choices are varied and can include influences such as Goth in particular and I have become to enjoy picking out pieces that I think work well together and creating my own style.


The thing in life that makes me the happiest is my family. I have a very tight knit family and I am extremely close to two of my siblings. We meet up all the time and just spend the day together, not particularly doing anything, but mainly lounging! I have lost some extremely important members of my family and I miss them everyday, but I know they helped me be the person I am today. I try to think of what they may say to me if I am struggling or finding it hard to navigate my way in life and can still hear their voices. They are still with me lighting my path so I can find my way.


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