Night & Day (14)


The sound of the wind was increasing in intensity; the shape being silhouetted against the net became larger and the colour of the mass was dark, darker than the night outdoors.

Julian was becoming restless. In his dream state he was in a dark room with no windows, but strangely in the corner he could see a dark figure. Slowly the figure raised its arm and aimed at Julian. Julian started to panic to find a way out of the room, but could not find a door to exit. 

Fear consumed him and he screamed but no sound came from him. He closed his eyes and screamed again but with no sound. He could feel the dark mass coming towards him. He wasn't going to open his eyes. The fear was too much, don't open your eyes. 

It was upon him now, he could feel it above, in front and behind him. Julian's eyes slowly crept open, slowly ..............


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