
Showing posts from July, 2021


  I have vivid memories that I believe will never leave me. Memories from being a child; playing football on a tarmac pitch and the heat I felt from summer. The adventure playground and how it was an adventure to leave intact! The days of summer where it was bright blue skies and then suddenly turned dark and rained all afternoon. The trips to town as we walked there in the heat to get the shopping and how my feet hurt. My nan feeding me lunch and us sharing good times. So vivid all these memories all the way through to now. The memories of my later life do not seem to make me as happy as my childhood ones. It may be because it was a much more simple time and I did not really have too many complications to get in the way. Oh, those were good times and all the memories that I have I will hold onto and cherish in my heart forever.

School Trip

  I went on a school trip when I was young and I have never forgotten it. We didn't go far and we were going to another school. To get there we had to cross fields and walk in meadows. As we came to the top of the hill I vividly remember thinking how beautiful the landscape was; full of yellow and white flowers as far as I could see. Rolling hills that seemed to go on forever. We climbed the top of the hill and before me was an old school, small in stature but magnificent to look at. A Victorian structure with a playground and yard to the side of it.  We went into the school, as it was part of our history education and it was being used for us children to learn all about life as a child in Victorian England. We did a class on chalk boards and then went to play in the playground. I could not stop thinking that anyone who went to that school was so lucky. Everything about it was magnificent. I have never forgotten that trip and it will live in my memory forever.


  The joy of family. My family are not all together, we are broken, but the ones I have are the ones I want to be with. We are not adventurous and do not do crazy things, but my heart is full as I know they are mine. I have a very fractured family and do not see some of my siblings, but I am not sad as the siblings I have are one in a million. This may seem strange to those who can not understand or ever visualise this situation, but I am happy with the ones I have and could not imagine not having them in my life. All families are different - some love, some don't, but the ones I have I love beyond the stars.

Special Days

  A wet and dark day. How I love these sort of days. Curling up on the sofa and looking out on a dark, wet and windy day knowing that I do not have to go out there and just snuggle up and keep warm and not be cold and wet. These are the days I love at home - wet and windy days. I love being at the coast on wet and windy days and watching the sea smash up against the pier and foam so much it all looks white in colour. Days like these bring joy and make me happy. At home it means that I do not have to get involved with others, but on the coast I can still be out and about and still not be involved with others - very anti-social!

The Unknown

  Not knowing what will happen is probably the biggest fear that there is. It is the uncertainty and the make up in your head that says that your unconscious knows what will happen and it will be bad! Of course, deep down you know that this will not be true and we are all in charge of our destiny and we make our future; but how does one not have that fear, that digging nerve? Not sure, is my answer. What about trying practice, meditation, mantras, counselling, medication? Suppose you give something a try to suit you. Try nature therapy - anything! Of course, in the end it is up to you, however hard we know it can be.  Good luck!

Have It All

  Some of the most beautiful things are flawed Some of the most flawed things are beautiful Some things we are owed Some things we have are wonderful Make it so it is flawed Make it so it is beautiful Then we can have it all

Ghosts, Spirits or the Unknown

  Have you ever had a feeling you are not alone? I am talking spirits, ghosts or however you may describe them. I have had experiences - seen shadows, had someone or something stroke my hair while I was in bed. I eventually left the house and my parents stayed there. My dad passed away in the house, but before he did he used to say there was a woman in white that was putting away washing. My mum has recently had to have the house cleansed as she was not sleeping and 'strange' things were happening. She hasn't spoken too much about it. She still doesn't want to tell me what has happened. She had someone come in and they said that there was on old woman upstairs and she also said that there was something evil in the back bedroom (which used to be mine). She explained that it would stand in the corner - no features, just a black mass. Mum says it is a little bit better, but she is not entirely sure it has all gone - neither am I after visiting. Upstairs in one of the corne