
Showing posts from February, 2023


  What makes you happy? Time to focus on what things make you happy. Try and focus on these things throughout each day and do at least one thing that makes you happy each day. By doing this can we alter our feelings, thoughts and ease the anxiety that some of us feel? My things that make me happy (in no particular order): Books I have been an avid reader all my life. When I was young my mum used to do her weekly shopping in the market and there was a book stall in there. Every month I was allowed to pick out a book that I would like. I can remember always picking out an Enid Blyton book. There were hardback and a light blue colour. Since then I would read anything that I could get my hands on! When I am reading I am transported to that world, I forget about everything else. Not every book I have read I have enjoyed, but sometimes I think that is part of the beauty of reading; you have to pick out the bad apples to get to the juicy ones! Music My love of music again comes from my childh

Special Places

  The drive is always fun as you know that you will soon be arriving at a special place. The journey is scenic and passes some beautiful places that bring joy to the eyes and heart. As a kid we would make the journey on most Sunday's. Mum and dad worked all week, but Sunday would be the day that they would take us out in the car and take a picnic. The car was always one that dad had bought from the scrap yard for £50 and was always in need of work! We had an estate car once and I can remember sitting in the back looking out at all the traffic behind us! Never allowed nowadays! We would pass through wonderful landscapes and pretty villages; passing beautiful houses that I dreamed of living in. Always seemed to be sunny with blue skies and hardly a cloud in the sky. As we neared I would get excited and knew that I was going to enjoy every single thing about the day.   The first stop was always Sherwood Forest. We used to park up for free on a Sunday and jump out of the car. I loved t

Night & Day (15)

  Julian awoke sharply with a large intake of breath. Eyes wide in fear, heart racing.  The fire was still burning, shapes being created around the room. There was something missing from the room; sounds that couldn't be heard. Julian raised himself on both arms, perspiration covering his body, running down his face and hair wet. 'Take deep breathes' In his mind this is what he was telling himself to do; steady his heart, his breathing, his mind. Sounds, what sounds? Eyes searching around the room looking for anything or anyone. Nothing. No figures, no mist, no darkness. Julian then realised what was missing; the wind was no longer there, it had ceased. The night was quiet. All had retreated, for now .................

Exercise, Lifestyle and Me

  I am a person who has good intentions with everything in life including exercise. I have great ideas in my head and believe that they can be put into practice. My problem being is that I can think them but, normally, cannot execute them. I find this happens a lot with the things I think of and when I do execute them, as such, they never turn out like the thought in my head. Bit like this Blog sometimes! If you have read any of my previous posts you will have noticed that I bought a Fitbit a while ago. I can since say I have become obsessed with it. I input everything into the app; water consumed, food, everything. It becomes my task throughout the day. I have seen good outcomes from using it and have lost over 1 1/2 stone. This is of course not just by using the Fitbit, but getting more exercise. I have a cross trainer, and have for many years, and did start using it more frequently, but as all best laid plans I have, it wavered and I didn't use it as much as I probably should ha

Night & Day (14)

  The sound of the wind was increasing in intensity; the shape being silhouetted against the net became larger and the colour of the mass was dark, darker than the night outdoors. Julian was becoming restless. In his dream state he was in a dark room with no windows, but strangely in the corner he could see a dark figure. Slowly the figure raised its arm and aimed at Julian. Julian started to panic to find a way out of the room, but could not find a door to exit.  Fear consumed him and he screamed but no sound came from him. He closed his eyes and screamed again but with no sound. He could feel the dark mass coming towards him. He wasn't going to open his eyes. The fear was too much, don't open your eyes.  It was upon him now, he could feel it above, in front and behind him. Julian's eyes slowly crept open, slowly ..............