
Showing posts from January, 2022

Driving Phobia: How to Overcome

Well, I know a lot of people that have phobias of all sorts of things; spiders, cotton wool, needles, large gatherings and to be perfectly honest I would place myself with some of those phobias, but my biggest is the fear of driving.  I am going to be writing this as quickly as I can because even feeling and seeing the words being printed are starting to build up my anxiety.  A little bit of background to me and my driving. I passed my test around six years ago and it was not an easy thing to do. I had numerous tests but failed as I always got nervous; my legs would shake that much that I would stall the car. When I finally passed I was so super excited and was just so pleased that I had finally managed to do it.  A couple of months later I got a car for myself. The first day I drove it I went with my other half and he drove it to a quiet spot. It was rush hour traffic at the time and when I came away from the place we were at I got stuck in traffic and stalled it. I was completely emb

Supernatural - Part 2 Update

A while ago, well quite a while ago, I delved into the story of my experiences with the supernatural, ghosts, spirits and I just thought that I would go back to that and let you know more about mine, and others, experiences. I know some people may not believe, and one of those is my partner, does not believe at all, but these experiences are something that I cannot not explain and come from rational (or fairly rational!! Lol!!) people. I had never really experienced anything in the form of the supernatural until I moved with my parents into the house that my mum now currently lives in. I was always told that my granddad's house was haunted by an old lady, but I never saw anything and sometimes I just think that the story was told by my older cousins to scare us younger ones! The house that we moved into was no spooky looking house. It is a 2 bed semi-detached council property. When we moved there it had not been modernised at all, had no central heating and was freezing! I can reme

Change or Same - Fitbit Update

  Well I thought I would give an update on my Fitbit and how I am getting on with it.  Let's face it we all think at some point we need to get healthier, mentally and physically. I don't know anyone who hasn't thought like this. Not everyone is able to actually make that change and I will tell you I am probably one of those people. I am not good with keeping up with exercise and definitely not good at changing my eating habits. I decided to get myself a Fitbit around the end of August, beginning of September last year. I had wanted one for a while, but never really got around to buying one. First off, I would just like to say that I am glad that I bought it and made the investment. It was just under £100, so I didn't get one of the more expensive ones. The prices for them ranged from under £100 to about £200 at the time I was looking and I didn't want to buy a really expensive one if I wasn't going to get on with it. It was easy for me to set it up and put the a

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Earning Extra Cash - Surveys, Cashback etc

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Earning Extra Cash - Surveys, Cashback etc :   For a number of years I have completed surveys on sites such as YouGov and Ipsos and have received either cash or vouchers for completing ...

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Holidays In UK - Never Been Abroad! Shock, Horror!

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Holidays In UK - Never Been Abroad! Shock, Horror! :  Holidays in the UK are, I think, probably the best holidays that you can go on. The sites and sounds are just amazing and I love this islan...

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Debt And How To Still Get On With Life

A Small Place in Yorkshire: Debt And How To Still Get On With Life :   Debt. This can be seen as a dirty word, but I guarantee that we have all had some in our life, no matter how small or large. We just don&#...

Debt And How To Still Get On With Life

  Debt. This can be seen as a dirty word, but I guarantee that we have all had some in our life, no matter how small or large. We just don't see or hear of it that much as we may hide our head in the sand and pretend it isn't there, or in my case, just feel too embarrassed to admit that we have it. My journey with debt started over 20 years ago. I had never really had much money. I had a job, rented a house and just basically lived from day to day. Things started to get a little bit out of control when I lost my job and had to find a property with the local council as I could not afford to live in the house that I was privately renting. I was offered a one bedroom flat, which I immediately took, but was still unemployed.  For a year I was still not working, but I managed to survive with what I had and then eventually I managed to find a job that had a temporary contract for 12 months. It was close to where I lived, so I could walk there and back everyday and it helped to get me

Holidays In UK - Never Been Abroad! Shock, Horror!

 Holidays in the UK are, I think, probably the best holidays that you can go on. The sites and sounds are just amazing and I love this island I am on! Now as the title implies, I have never been abroad on holiday. I know that may be shocking to some people and some will be saying 'how can you have gone through life without going abroad!', but to be honest with you I have never had the inclination or the want to go abroad. I have always loved staying in the UK and visiting some of our lovely and special places. I have never been good at laying around and catching the sun (I know that is not all that holidays abroad are), but just never had the interest. The furthest that I have been is Jersey! I went with a friend many years ago and really loved it. It is an amazing place, so easy to travel around (as it is so small) and everyone was really friendly. I can remember that we both ran out of money very quickly (we were young and just spent it!) and this lovely guy who ran an antiqu

New Path - Career Change or Stay

  Follow The Path For New Beginnings Well this post is sort of a follow on from my New Beginnings post really. It gives you a little bit more of an insight into my current situation and some of the obstacles I find myself coming up against. I am sure that some of you will have a similar story to tell. Now, I don't mean for this post to be depressing or a moan about my life, but I know that some of you will have been in this position or are in it now, and I truly want this to be a discussion so more of you can feel that you are not alone and, hopefully, things can get better. I have been in my current job for nearly 12 years now. It is a very stressful job and has been made even more stressful during the pandemic. I work in a care home. My role is not a care worker, but I work as part of the management team. The stress and pressure that I am feeling in this job is unbelievable and I am just feeling as though it is overwhelming and just dragging me down. I am constantly thinking of w

New Year - New Beginnings

  Every January I always think about what I want to achieve in the upcoming year and what I would want to push myself for. Sometimes it can vary each year, but what I find myself doing is coming up with the same things! Less stress, more organisation, spend more time with loved ones, do one thing everyday that makes me happy, learn something new at least once a month. What I have just realised is that all of the above is really centered around my mental health and wellbeing. It's not about gaining financial wealth (although that would be very nice!) or gaining personal property and items, but about making sure I can focus on health and making me better. If I can do that then the wealth etc may follow! You never know! It is no different this year. I want to focus especially on my mental health as over the last 18 months or so that has really taken a beating and I think I have come to a point that it is really hard for me to make a comeback to the person that I used to be, but this i

Earning Extra Cash - Surveys, Cashback etc

  For a number of years I have completed surveys on sites such as YouGov and Ipsos and have received either cash or vouchers for completing them. Granted it hasn't been a lot and sometimes it can take a while to actually gain the points and redeem them for the cash or vouchers, but I don't mind spending half an hour completing the surveys. I was just thinking about it a few days ago and thought I would share some of the sites that I use for anyone out there who may be looking to earn a few pennies extra each month and let's face it, the famous phrase 'Every Penny Counts' is probably more appropriate now than ever before!  (Just to mention that I am not gaining anything from these sites by mentioning them. Just wanted to pass my feelings on to you about them) Well the first two are YouGov and Ipsos. YouGov is probably the most well known. I currently receive a survey every week and can take up to about 15 minutes to complete. YouGov is clear on how many points you wi

Been Missing For A While

 Hi Everyone!! I just wanted to write a short post just to give an update on where I have been. I apologise that I have not posted anything for quite a while. Unfortunately I have been going through a rather trying time and just felt unable to do a lot of things and posting my feelings here was one of them. I want to be able to get back to putting my 'twaddle' out there again and feel like I may be able to do this now in this new year. I am changing my mindset in relation to a lot of areas of my life and want to focus on positive inputs and outputs. They may be small things I focus on, but am hoping they can help in change for the better. I will be getting back to posting 'twaddle' with a mixture of updates on how I am getting on. Thanks for everything and here goes!🤗♥️